Getting To Costa Rica
There is a viral Facebook post going around that suggests you should first travel with anyone that you think might be wife/husband material. Truer words were never spoken. For some reason, travelling introduces a whole new level of stress, especially with couples. Maybe it is the dry stale air in planes and airports, but personalities seem to magnify exponentially, making the most innocent of issues explode into major war zones. On this trip, my wife Lorrie and I encountered more than our fair share of potential disasters.
- instead of a heading for an early afternoon arrival in Costa Rica, we waited patiently for almost an hour for an agent to return and re-book us
- when that painful process was finished, we headed for Toronto and a six hour layover for flights to Houston and Costa Rica, to arrive at 12:45 AM on Sunday (12 hours later than planned)
- We had barely arrived in Toronto when the snow started; over the next six hours we watched it go from snow flurries, to whiteout, and back to clear; there was now two inches of new white stuff on the ground to be moved around
- Our flight to Houston got delayed for over three hours and of course we missed our Costa Rica connection
- We were able to get a nice Hilton room in Houston for a few hours sleep, and then headed back to the airport for a 9:00 AM flight
- we arrived in Costa Rica exactly 24 hours later than planned, except my luggage made it and Lorrie’s did not; we filed a Delayed Baggage Report
- I checked email when we landed to find that our ride had bailed on us; Lorrie negotiated with one of the many free-lance and shady-looking taxi drivers anxious for our business, and off we went
- the main highway from the airport to the coast was open ONLY to traffic LEAVING the coast (imagine if we could do that in Canada or the U.S.!); we took the scenic route which added about an hour and a half to the ride
- we finally reached our destination of Jaco, Costa Rica around 3:00 PM on Sunday; our host was waiting for us and we settled into a beautiful 7th floor condo
This post has not been published elsewhere, and is available for sale. It can be easily modified to suit specific needs. Please contact Michael Gauthier with any inquiries.
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