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Maximize Your Profits From Event Photography
When I first started doing event photography like reunions, proms, and music events, I would stand around waiting for the event to kick off, so I could get the two or three shots the client wanted. This was, of course, a complete waste of time and was obviously unproductive. Since I was standing there anyway…
Pickleball Gaining Popularity
New Year’s resolutions aside, most people know they could be in better shape. Improved eating habits will certainly help, but exercise is really the magic bullet. So wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get healthy with some exercise that is beneficial and fun? Time to try pickleball. Pickleball (yes, it is actually called…
Photography As A Career
Changing careers is always a scary proposition, and re-inventing yourself at the age of 60 – even more so. As I approached retirement age with no prospects of being able to retire, I knew I didn’t want to continue with my computer business. Photography never held much more than a passing interest for me, but…
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