Hot Dogs…at the Carleton Place Arena

The canteen at the Carleton Place Arena is conveniently right in the middle of the main foyer, and is always well staffed with polite and interested young ladies. It is clean and neat, and offers a good selection of food and drinks. The wieners are real Schneiders and are cooked on one of traditional roller heaters. This might not be a chef’s preferred way of preparing the lowly wiener, but it is certainly not the worst. The buns are a nice Dempsters brand, sprinkled with sesame seeds, and I have never had anything but a fresh one at the arena. They are nicely warmed in the microwave for a few seconds before serving in a true Schneiders paper wrapper.

The Carleton Place Arena hot dog has been consistent every time I’ve tasted one – a hot, fresh, good quality Schneiders wiener, in a warm and fresh bun. You can’t ask for much more than that of the canteen hot dog.


Price is $2.50 (taxes included) and you are left to decorate it on your own at a condiments counter next to the canteen.

Let’s give it 3.5 on a scale of 1-5; it is as good as you can make a standard hot dog, but nothing really special.

Michael Gauthier

I spend a fair amount of time in hockey arenas, and if hunger strikes, one of the first things that comes to mind is a hot dog. While I might not ever want to see one being made, the hot dog is still the staple of fast food canteens everywhere, especially in hockey arenas. So while having a quick snack, I thought it might be worthwhile to log my thoughts. Professional food critics need not feel threatened.

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